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Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club

Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club


By-Laws of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club

Chapter 1. Members.

1.1 Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club shall have only one class of members. All memberships shall have the same rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions.

1.2 Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club is a volunteer service organization whose membership will be open to qualified individuals willing to work actively in achieving the stated purposes of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club. To qualify as a member an individual must be either:

1.2.1 An adult coach, assistant coach, team manager, volunteer referee, or providers of other support services or,

1.2.2 A Parent or Guardian of players registered with Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club. Qualified individuals shall be accepted for membership if:

1.2.3 The individual has demonstrated his or her willingness to participate in the governance of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club by attending at least four of the last twelve Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club meetings

1.2.4 The individual has not been convicted of a criminal activity which the State of Pennsylvania considers inimical to working with children.

1.2.5 The individual has completed a membership application.

1.3 Qualified individuals may be admitted as members at any time during the seasonal year.

1.4 There shall be no fee or dues charged members of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club.

1.5 There is no limit on the number of members Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club may admit.

1.6 Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club shall keep an attendance log containing the name, address and telephone number of each member. Termination of the membership of any member shall be recorded in the log, together with the date of termination of such membership. The attendance log shall be kept by the Secretary.

1.7 A member of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club is not as such personally liable for the debts, liabilities or obligations of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club.

1.8 The membership of a member shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

1.8.1 Upon his or her notice of termination delivered to the President or the Secretary of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club personally or by mail, such membership to terminate upon the date of delivery of the notice or date of deposit in the mail.

1.8.2 Continuous and willful violation of the provisions of the Bylaws and the rules of the club as determined by the Judicial committee and/or the Board of Directors provided that such decision may be appealed under the provisions outlined in Chapter 5 of these Bylaws.

1.8.3 Commission and conviction of criminal activity which the State of Pennsylvania considers inimical to working with children.

1.8.4 Failure to attend four (4) of the last twelve Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club meetings.

1.9 Membership maybe reinstated if the former member qualifies as provided herein and that the former member's termination was not caused by section 1.8.3 of these By-Laws.

1.10 All rights of a member in Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club shall cease on the termination of membership as provided herein.

1.11 Those memberships described in this amendment as having "full voting rights" are entitled to vote on any issues nominated for a vote by the board of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club.

Chapter 2. Meetings

2.1 Monthly meetings shall be held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Community Room of the Pleasant Hills Borough Building or at the Jefferson Borough Building. All members are encouraged to attend all meetings.

2.2 The date, time and place of monthly meetings maybe changed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors provided that all members are given forty-eight (48) hours notice of such changes.

2.3 The regular monthly meetings will be held to determine policies and procedures not otherwise specified in these Bylaws provided that:

2.3.1 The seventh meeting of the seasonal year shall include a consideration of the incoming year's budget

2.3.2 Elections of officers whose tenures expire at the end of the seasonal year shall be held no later than the seventh regular meeting provided that nominations are made at least one meeting before elections are held.

2.3.3 The first and seventh regular meetings shall include considerations for changes in the Rules and Regulations as provided by the Constitution. Rule changes may be made at other times during the seasonal year (to account for emergent conditions) provided that the Executive Committee approves the rule change with a two thirds majority vote of committee members present at a duly constituted committee meeting and provided further that the rule change is ratified by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at the next scheduled meeting.

2.4 The Agenda for each meeting shall be determined by the Board of Directors President provided that the Agenda follow the order given:

a) Call to Order

b) Roll Call

c) Acceptance of new members

d) Reading of the last meeting's minutes

e) Acceptance of those minutes

f) Reports by the President, Treasurer, Registrar and Committees.

g) Unfinished Business.

h) Proposals for amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws.

i) Nominations and elections of officers (seventh meeting)

j) New Business

k) Adjournment

2.4.1 New Business may be included in the Agenda on approval of a majority of the Board of Directors.

2.4.2 Matters not included on the Agenda maybe brought up on the floor during any meeting provided that two-thirds of the members present and voting agree to do so and that a quorum to conduct or to continue to conduct a meeting exists.

2.5 Special meetings may be called by written petition by at least five members of good standing or by at least three officers, provided that all members are given forty eight (48) hours notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting.

2.6 A minimum of one half the number of elected officers plus one (1) (the number if not whole to be rounded to the closest lower whole number) is needed in order to conduct either a regular or a special meeting.

2.7 Every act or decision done or made by a majority of voting members present in person at a duly held meeting at which a quorum is present is the act of the members, unless the Constitution, these By-Laws, or provisions of law require a greater number.

2.8 Voting Rights:

2.8.1 Each member is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote by the members.

2.8.2 Voting at duly held meetings shall be by voice vote. Voting by written ballot maybe authorized by a vote of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Board of Directors present.

2.9 Council meetings shall be presided over by the President or in his absence by the Vice President or in his absence by a chair chosen by a majority of voting members. The Secretary shall act as the secretary of all meetings of members provided that in the secretary's absence, the presiding officer shall appoint another person to act as the Secretary of the meeting. The officer presiding during a meeting shall not be allowed to cast a vote except to break a tie.

2.10 Unless otherwise provided for in the Constitution and these By-Laws, or otherwise agreed to by the membership, Robert's Rules of Order shall be deemed to be adopted at all meetings conducted by Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club.

2.11 Rules of Conduct: The President shall conduct all annual and regular meetings of the membership and shall have the right to close off or limit debate on any business when and if such debate becomes repetitive and/or unduly lengthy, provided however, no member shall be denied the right to speak constructively on any matter properly brought before any meeting.

Chapter 3. Elected Officers. Duties and Responsibilities

The following officers will be collectively constitute the “Board of Directors of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club”:

3.1 The President shall:

a) Preside at all Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club meetings and Board of Directors meetings.

b) Represent Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club in all activities requiring the official presence of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club. He may appoint a representative in such activities.

c) Ensure that all matters approved by the membership are carried out in the manner prescribed. At no time shall the president undertake a project or make decisions regarding policies and budgetary matters without the approval of the Board of Directors.

d) Co-Sign checks for Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club.

e) Sign all contracts on behalf of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club

f) Manage and be responsible for an amount of money set aside by the Board of Directors for administrative matters.

g) Be a member of all permanent committees.

3.2 The Vice President shall:

a) Assume the President's duties whenever the President is unable to carry out his/her duties.

b) Co-sign checks for Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club when either the Treasurer or the President is unable to do so.

c) Chair the Judicial Committee.

3.3 The Secretary shall:

a) Keep accurate records of the minutes of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club's meetings.

b) Attend to all the correspondences of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club and keep accurate records of such.

c) Keep and maintain Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club's membership log.

d) Keep and maintain all the official documents of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club including but not limited to the official copies of the Constitution. These by-laws, the Rules and Regulations, and all PA WEST rules and regulations.

e) Chair the Constitution, By-laws and Rules committee.

3.4 The Treasurer shall:

a) Process vouchers, collect debts and fees owed Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club, maintain bookkeeping records and co-sign checks for the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club.

b) Maintain the necessary bank accounts as authorized by the membership

c) Prepare and submit financial reports to the membership at each regular meeting.

d) Submit financial records of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club for audit upon completion of his/her term

e) Chair of the Budget and Finance committee.

3.5 The In-House Coordinator shall:

a) Organize and coordinate all In-House leagues authorized by the membership ensuring strict adherence to the Rules and Regulations of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club.

b) Recommend to the Board of Directors for its approval Age Group coordinators, coaches and assistant coaches for the In-House programs

c) Be a member of the budget and finance committee.

3.6 The Travel and Tournaments Coordinator shall

a) Organize and coordinate all Travel Teams authorized by the membership ensuring strict adherence to all Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club's Rules and Regulations as well as PA WEST regulations.

b) Recommend to the Board of Directors for its approval all travel team Coaches. Assistant Coaches and Managers.

c) Be a member of the budget and finance committee.

3.7 The Registrars shall;

a) Be responsible for collecting player sign-up forms, verifying birth dates, approving player and team registration forms ensuring that all registration matters are consistent with PA WEST rules and policies and registering all players and coaches with PA WEST.

b) Keep and maintain all player and coach records including all yellow and red cards issued to travel players.

c) Be the chair of the Registration committee.

3.8 The Referee Coordinators shall:

a) Be responsible for recruiting and training referees for both the in-house and travel programs.

b) Be the Chief referee assignor for all in-house and travel games. He or she may delegate these responsibilities.

c) Recommend a referee fee structure to the membership for its approval.

d) Be a member of the Budget and Finance committee.

3.9 The Coach and Player Development Coordinator shall:

a) Be responsible for organizing clinics for coaches and players.

b) Be responsible for the identification and the outplacement of outstanding players to the Classic league teams or Olympic Development Programs.

c) Chair the Coach and Player Development committee.

3.10 The Purchasing Agent shall:

a) Be responsible for acquiring all supplies and equipment necessary for the operation of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club.

b) Have approved and/or report all expenditures to the President and the Board of Directors.

3.11 The Field Managers shall:

a) Be responsible for the condition of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club fields and for ensuring that proper equipment (e.g. goals) is available.

b) Secure and maintain field permits.

c) Schedule games and practices.

d) Oversee/direct field lining.

3.12 The Equipment Manager shall:

a) Maintain an inventory of all Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club equipment.

b) Oversee distribution of equipment to coaches prior to a season.

c) Oversee the return of all equipment from coaches after a season.

3.13 The Fund Raising Chairperson shall:

a) Oversee/direct Association-wide fund-raising efforts

b) Provide/suggest new fund-raising opportunities

3.14 The Special Events Coordinator shall:

a) Oversee/direct any special (non-game, non-practice) activities associated with the Association including, but not limited to, awards ceremonies, banquets, picnics, etc.

b) May under certain circumstances, and with the approval of the Board of Directors, assist the Fund Raising Chairperson.

3.15 The Webmaster shall:

a) Be responsible for the maintenance and operation of on the internet.

b) Be responsible for forwarding correspondence received via the web site to the appropriate individuals.

c) Be responsible for overseeing the on-line registration system.

3.16 The Members at Large shall:

a) Provide consultation to the Board of Directors in one or more areas of expertise.

b) Undertake special assignments as directed by the Board of Directors.

Chapter 4. Committees

Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club shall provide for the following Permanent Committees. These committees will not necessarily be operative at all times, but will be formed and activated as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.

4.1 The Executive Committee chaired by the President and comprised of officers designated by the Board of Directors of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club shall:

a) Oversee all activities of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club on a day-to-day basis including the handling of correspondence, resolution of problems and approving the payment of bills and obligations of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club which do not exceed budgetary limitations set by the Council.

b) Make Executive decisions and actions necessary for the smooth running of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club and which cannot by their nature await the next Board of Directors meeting provided that one third of the members of the Executive Committee do not request that the decision be referred to the Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting. Such decisions maybe overturned by a majority of the Board of Directors at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

c) Prepare the agenda for each Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club meeting. The executive committees shall have sole authority to include matters for discussion by Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club at its regular meetings except as provided herein.

d) Appoint committee chairs unless otherwise provided for in these By-Laws.

e) Approve all appointments of Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Managers, Age Commissioners.

f) Consider and vote on the recommendation of the judicial committee regarding disciplinary actions against a member or an officer of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club. Such action shall require a majority of the officers present and voting provided that a quorum exists as provided for in these By-Laws. The Executive committee shall meet as needed in order to carry out its responsibilities. All members shall be duly notified by the secretary of such meetings. A quorum as defined for Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club meetings is required for business to be conducted.

4.2. The Budget and Finance committee chaired by the Treasurer and comprised of at the minimum those officers defined to be ex-officio members viz. President. In-­House commissioner, Travel and Tournaments Commissioner, Referee Commissioner shall:

a) Prepare and submit an annual Budget at the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club's seventh regular meeting.

b) Consider and recommend actions on any changes in the player fee structure and referee pay structure.

c) Consider and recommend any budgetary matters that were not included in the annual budget approved.

4.3. The Constitution. By-laws and Rules Committee chaired by the Secretary and having at least two other members appointed by the Secretary shall:

a) Consider and recommend amendments to Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club's Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations

b) Ensure that actions taken by Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club are consistent with the Constitution, By-Laws and Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club's Standing Rules. As such, it shall be the arbiter of questions regarding the Constitution, By-laws and the Standing Rules. Final acceptance of the committee's interpretation shall be made by a vote of the Board of Directors.

4.4 The Nomination Committee chaired by an officer appointed by the President and approved by the Executive committee shall:

a) Identify members who may be interested in serving as officers of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club.

b) Supervise the election of officers.

4.5 The Judicial Committee chaired by the Vice President with no less than two (2) nor more than four (4) other members whose membership must be approved by the Board of Directors shall:

a) Consider all disciplinary matters against officers, members, players or any other volunteers of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club provided that only matters pertaining to violations of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club's constitution, By-Laws or the Standing rules shall be considered by this committee.

b) Consider disciplinary matters with a view of resolving the matter in a timely manner so as not to prejudice the individual's ability to continue with assigned duties or responsibilities.

c) Make recommendations regarding disciplinary matters to the Board of Directors that shall decide on the disposition of the committee's recommendations under the provisions outlined in Chapter 5.0 of these by-laws. Such decisions and matters pertaining to the committee's considerations shall be kept confidential unless a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the general membership votes otherwise.

4.6 The Publicity and Public Relations Committee chaired by an officer or member appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors shall:

a) Be responsible for developing and maintaining a good relationship with the media.

b) Publish game results.

c) Announce special events or activities.

d) Prepare newsletter for coaches and parents.

4.7. The Fund Raising and Sponsors committee chaired by the Fundraising Coordinator:

a) Develop, implement and supervise fund raising programs for Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club provided that such programs are approved by the membership.

b) Solicit sponsors for Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club's programs and ensure that these sponsors are properly recognized.

4.8 The Registration Committee chaired by one of the Registrars shall:

a) Organize and coordinate registration dates for players.

b) Assist the registrar in the registration of players and the validation of their birthdates.

4.9. The Fields and Schedule Committee chaired by one of the Field Managers, the In-house Coordinator, or the Travel Coordinator:

a) Be responsible for obtaining the necessary permits for fields and gyms needed for Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club's programs.

b) Make field assignments for practices and games.

c) Ensure that all fields are properly lined and safe to play on. The committee chair or his appointed representative shall be responsible for deciding on the propriety of the use of fields for games and/or practices consistent with the Standing Rules ensuring that this decision is also consistent with the regulations set forth by the authority which issues the necessary permits.

4.10 The Equipment and Uniforms committee chaired by the Equipment Manager or the Purchasing Agent shall be responsible for the acquisition, maintenance, storage and distribution of field equipment (goals, balls, etc.) and uniforms for both the In-House and Travel programs.

4.11 The Coach and Player Development Committee chaired by the Coach and Player Development Commissioner shall assist the commissioner in coordinating clinics and player evaluations.

4.12 The Board of Directors may from time to time establish special committees to consider specific matters.

Chapter 5. Disciplinary Actions and Appeals

Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club recognizes the rights of its members to have a fair hearing regarding any matter of discipline. Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club also recognizes the right of its members to appeal any decision made by the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club Board of Directors pertaining to them directly. A Disciplinary Hearing will be conducted whenever a dispute arises between players, coaches, volunteers, or parents/guardians that cannot be resolved by the parties involved, and for alleged violations of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club rules and policies. The Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club President will determine if enough evidence exists to bring the matter before the Board of Directors for a disciplinary hearing.

Disciplinary Matters

All disciplinary hearings shall be held using the following procedures: All hearings shall be heard by a quorum of the voting members of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club Board of Directors at a regular monthly meeting. At the discretion of the President, an emergency meeting of the Board of Directors may be scheduled to address emergency matters. The accused shall be notified in writing (hardcopy and electronic, if available) as to the date, time, location and reason for the hearing. The notice shall also include any witnesses who will testify against the accused. The notice shall be sent by electronic mail if available and certified United States Postal mail, and will be postmarked no less than 14 days prior to the scheduled hearing date. Failure of the accused to appear at the hearing without written notification to the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club President may constitute an automatic judgment against that individual (s). The accused shall have the right to present evidence in defense (including but not limited to witnesses), and to confront their accuser(s). If witnesses are to give verbal testimony during the hearing on behalf of the accused, the names of such witnesses must be presented to the President of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club Board of Directors 7 days prior to the hearing date. The decision based upon the hearing will be made in a private session of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club Board of Directors. All parties involved will be notified of the decision at the earliest possible time. Formal notification signed by the President of Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club shall be mailed to all parties involved by certified mail within 10 days of the hearing date. The decision will include the rationale behind the Board's decision including relevant evidence supporting this rationale.

Appeal of disciplinary hearings shall be held using the following procedures: Appeals of disciplinary matters shall be made in writing by certified mail to the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club Board of Directors within ten (10) days of the formal notification via certified mail. The Board of Directors will address the issue at the next scheduled monthly meeting or at a time determined by the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club President in emergency situations. The appeal hearing must afford all parties involved the same privileges as outlined in the disciplinary hearings section of this item. The appeal hearing will not be held solely to reexamine the evidence, but to correct perceived errors in the Board of Directors' understanding of particular points of evidence that might have significantly affected their decision. New evidence may be admitted at the discretion of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club President if it is likely to result in a reversal of the Board's decision. The findings of the appeal hearing shall be mailed by certified mail within 10 days of the hearing date. As is the case for the primary decision, the appeal decision will include all evidence considered, the reasoning for the decision, and will be signed by the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club President. All decisions of the Board of Directors upon completion of any appeal will be final.

Non-disciplinary Matters

Non-disciplinary disputes will be handled with the same procedures and timelines as outlined above, with the parties presenting their cases and with the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club Board of Directors serving as the mediator. Failure of any party to appear at the hearing without written notification to the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club President may constitute an automatic judgment against that party(s). A list of witnesses for both parties must be submitted to the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club President 7 days prior the hearing, who will then distribute the lists to all persons involved. Decisions of the Board of Directors upon completion of any appeal will be final.

Chapter 6. Conflict of Interest

6.1 No contract or other decision shall be affected by the fact that a member or an officer may benefit personally from such transactions provided that such member or officer disclose such interest and exempts himself or herself from the deliberations and voting affecting said contract or transaction.

6.2 No officer or member may vote on a disciplinary matter made against said office.

Chapter 7. Amendments, Repeal or Suspension of the By-Laws

7.1 These By-Laws may be amended, repealed or suspended in whole or in part by two thirds vote of the Board of Directors at any duly called meeting of the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club provided that such action is submitted in writing to the Board in a timely manner so that the it may submit the proposed action for inclusion during the next Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club meeting.

Chapter 8. Risk Management

Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club recognizes the need for a comprehensive risk management program to protect the club and its members. The Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club Board of Directors will serve as a risk management committee to oversee the implementation and adherence to these guidelines, as well as continue the development and improvement of the club’s risk management program.

a) The Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club Board of Directors will approve the participation of each coach and volunteer based upon the known character of the individual. Prior to participation, each adult will be required to sign a US Youth Soccer Employment/Volunteer Disclosure Statement to document that the individual testifies to not having been convicted of a crime of violence, or a crime against another person. These statements will be updated every two (2) years. Should it come to the Board's knowledge that an individual may not be suited to serve in a particular capacity with the Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club, (for example, if it becomes known that he/she provided false information on the Disclosure Statement), that person will be subject to disciplinary review and/or removal from their position.

b) All coaches and volunteers must have at least one adult with them at all times when working with children. The club recommends one adult for every six children. One parent, guardian, or designated adult caretaker per child will be present at each practice or game as a condition for participation.

c) Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club will use the following safety standards for all games and practices:

a. All goals shall be anchored at all times when in use. Goals shall be properly stored and secured when not in use. Coaches who violate this process shall be subject to disciplinary action. Field end lines and sidelines will be clearly marked with painted lines, cones, flags, or a combination of the three.

b. The field shall be checked for debris and uneven playing surface collectively by all coaches and referees participating in the scheduled practice or game. Debris shall be cleared before use and the participating coaches and referees will determine if the field is safe for soccer activity. Disagreement which cannot be resolved among coaches and referees present as to the safety of the field will result in postponement of the scheduled event.

c. The area surrounding the field including, but not limited to parking and spectator seating areas, shall also be checked for potential hazards. Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club will assume no responsibility for unsafe behavior of parents or spectators during Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club events (games/practices) at facilities deemed safe for play.

d. Coaches and referees will have the responsibility to continuously monitor the weather. At the first sighting of lightning all children will be moved to a safe place indoors or to vehicles. Parents and spectators will be advised to seek shelter as well. Coaches and referees present will monitor the time of each lightning strike and resumption of activities may occur 30 minutes after the last lightning strike. In the event of thunder but no visible lightning, coaches and referees will determine whether seeking shelter is in order. Resumption of play will be contingent upon re-verification of safe field conditions by the coaches and referees present as outlined above.

e) The club shall work with a CPA to development and implement a financial policy to insure safe handling and recording of all club monies and assets.

f) No expenditure of any Thomas Jefferson Soccer Club funds will be conducted without the prior approval of the Board of Directors. The President and/or the Executive committee may authorize expenditures in the event it is not feasible to await until the next scheduled meeting for approval. However, it will be contingent upon him/her/them to justify such expenditure(s) to the Board of Directors. All payments by check will require no less than two (2) appropriate signatures. Under no circumstances will officers with familial or business relationships be permitted to cosign checks.


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